Thursday, June 7, 2007


Juan Cole has an excellent description of the internecine hydra-headed nature of the conflicts in Iraq today. Cole counts fighting on eight different fronts. So much for the simplistic monochromatic viewpoints of Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani on the dangers of "jihadists" or "radical Islam."

Cole observes the hypocrisy of the Bush position on terrorism when it comes to one of these eight fronts - that involving Iraqi Kurdish guerrillas making incursions into Turkey and Iran:

"By the way, why does the Bush administration allow its Kurdistan allies to harbor PKK terrorists? I thought that sort of thing was a no-no in the age of the war on terror? Wasn't it even the casus belli for Bush's two big invasions? Or is it all right to do terrorism to Turkey and Iran, but not to the US and Britain? I'm confused."

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