Friday, June 8, 2007


It seems that George Bush has succeeded in bullying members of the Group of Eight meeting this year at Heiligendamm. This includes not only Angela Merkel but also Vladimir Putin. Forget about concrete goals in reducing CO2 emissions. Everyone should be grateful that George Bush even admits there is a problem with global warming. Philip Clapp, US National Environment Trust President, described the results:

"Chancellor Merkel and Prime Minister Blair are trying to portray this as a strong agreement. But President Bush didn't give them an inch. The best they could get from him was a statement that their 50% by 2050 emissions reduction proposal would be "seriously considered". That's a pretty tiny landmark."

As to Vlady, Bush intimidated him enough that now Russia wants to participate in a joint venture setting up missiles in Azerbaijan.

Sad to say, George Bush won the day in Heiligendamm in every respect. He even dissed the whole concept of the G8 today on the final day by claiming he was battling an upset stomach. Apparently, last night W was seen having a beer, although aides claimed it was non-alcoholic. So much for thinking that you can work with this guy.

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