Tuesday, May 15, 2007


I have just been reading the Second Report of the Ad Hoc Committee of the Executive Directors of The World Bank on the Wolfowitz matter dated yesterday May 14, 2007.

One of the findings was that Mr. Wolfwowitz, although he was willing to recuse himself from supervision of Ms. Shaha Riza with whom he had a sexual relationship, was not willing to cut off all professional contact at with her at The World Bank. This is in violation of the ethics rules and specifically Staff Rule 4.01, Section 5.02.

"Staff Rule 3.01, Section 4, Supervisory Relationships, provides:

"4.01 Supervisors shall at all times treat staff in a fair and unbiased manner. Treatment of staff shall not be influenced by personal ties between a supervisor in the staff member nor shall it be influenced by race, nationality, sex, religion, political opinions, or sexual orientation of the supervisor or staff member.

"4.01 A sexual relationship between a staff member and his/her direct report, or direct or indirect manager or supervisor is considered a de facto conflict of interest. The manager/supervisor shall be responsible for seeking a resolution of the conflict of interest, if need be in consultation with management, who will take measures to resolve the conflict of interest. Failure to promptly resolve the conflict of interest may result in a finding of misconduct.

"Staff Rule 4.01, Appointment, Section 5, Spouses and Domestic Partners, provides

"5.02 The spouse or domestic partner of a staff member who meets the normal selection standards may be employed by the Bank Group. A husband and wife or domestic partners may be assigned to the same vice presidency or department, if neither supervises the other, directly or indirectly, AND THEIR DUTIES ARE NOT LIKELY TO BRING THEM INTO ROUTINE PROFESSIONAL CONTACT. (emphasis added). They may not be assigned to the same division or equivalent unit . . . "
(PP. 8-9)

Mr. Wolfowitz also wanted to keep The World Bank's General Counsel and other members of the Bank's Legal Vice presidency in the dark about the negotiation of terms of Shaha Riza's salary. Wolfowitz choose not to disclose "matters that had the potential to expose The World Bank to legal and reputational hazard.) (P. 49)

The Ad Hoc Committee concludes that Wolfowitz violated the Code of Conduct of The World Bank, as well as Staff Rules 3.01 (Standards of Professional Conduct), 5.02 (Consideration of Promotion for External Service), and 6.01 (having to do with the amount of salary raises allowed to employees). (P. 46 ff)

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