Friday, April 27, 2007


The New York Times today reports an AP story on capture of a top leader of Al Qaeda in Iraq. What is noteworthy is that the CIA apparently captured Abd al-Hadi (al-Iraqi) and then handed him over to the Defense Department which then took him to Guantanamo.

Whoever is the next president must close Guantanamo. Karen J. Greenberg blogs in and asks will Guantanamo ever be closed. Guantanamo is a stain on the American tradition of the rule of law. At Guantanamo, the inmates and prisoners are to date outside the rule of law, meaning that the solid principles of American legal jurisprudence, such as the inalienable right of habeas corpus, the barring of evidence on torture, and the right to access to legal counsel, all these have disappeared and vanished in the Guantanamo kangaroo court proceedings.

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