Sunday, December 30, 2007


Bush's policy towards Pakistan and Musharraf seems to be, "full steam ahead," notwithstanding the policy's support of a leader who kicked out the judiciary, and jailed and beat lawyers protesting the suspension of the rule of law. Bush plans no different policy towards Musharraf, even after the tragic assassination of Benazir Bhutto, sent back to Pakistan with Bush's blessing.

Janine Zacharia writes for Bloomberg:

"Bush's support for Musharraf hasn't changed, an administration official said, adding that the U.S. sees itself as playing a supporting role as Pakistan decides how to move forward on the path of democracy.

"The death of Bhutto, 54, followed on the heels of other setbacks to Bush's pro-democracy efforts in the Islamic world, including the sectarian bloodshed that has undermined Iraq's government and the U.S.-backed Palestinian elections that ended up bringing the militant group Hamas to power last year."

Instead of taking Musharraf's part, Bush/Rice/Cheney should be taking the part of the lawyers and judges who represent the most stable part of Pakistani society. They are the ones who believe in the rule of law and democracy for Pakistan. Bush, however, sides with the autocrat who believes he is above the law and above the constitution. So much for Bush's protestations that he wants to spread "democracy."

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